Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Volvo Air Motion Concept Design

Nowadays everybody in the world is affected by the price of fuel and this has affected our lifestyle but with the best Volvo Air Motion Canyon Carver gasoline is history. It is a vehicle that uses no gasoline at all but still considered to be a fast car it only use air to run this way is call air motion. Its peripheral is designed like a clamshell a body made from carbon fiber and it can hold easily upto 4 peoples. It has heavy conventional internal engine is changed by compressed air motors. Volvo Air Motion Canyon cool down as an alternative of heating up when it is under load due to heavy cooling systems needless for the vehicle thus making it lighter. It allows to people say goodbye to gasoline, gasoline-powered cars and although this does not abolish the need for gasoline completely it is one of the machines that need it the most.

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