Tuesday, May 24, 2011

G-Power BMW M6 Hurricane RR

The 2011 G-Power BMW M6 Hurricane RR may not have seen the light of day. Reaching a top speed of 367.4 km/h, It was able to break the record and became world’s fastest tavern car in the year of 2008 but they did not stop at that and went further still, taking the record to an all-time high of 372 km/h. G-Power made it possible with an evolved version of the car whose record they break.M5 Hurricane RR’s V10 engine with twin supercharger aspiration is combined full-size coupe resulting to a four-seater which is probably the fastest in the world with top speed is 228 mph and can go from 0-100 kph in under 4.35 seconds.

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